Engine & Truck Assist Upper Chichester (10)
August 24, 2024

Friday morning August 23rd just after 5 a.m.,the company was dispatched to assist Upper Chichester Fire Department on a building fire. Engine 66 immediately made the response, with the overnight crew of 3, and while enroute PD advised they were on scene with a working fire. Truck 66 also made the response a short time later.

Engine 10 and Engine 66 arrived simultaneously and engine 66 assumed the second due engine assignment. The crew from Engine 66 deployed a 2.5-inch handline and knocked the exterior fire while Engine 10 stretched a handline inside the residence. 1 victim was located and removed from the residence by Rescue 39 (Lower Chichester Volunteer Fire Company) and transported to a local area hospital.The fire went to two alarms and was eventually placed under control at the 40-minute mark.

Photo credits to their original owners.